It’s something I remind myself and other people regularly; I can do hard things/you can do hard things! AND it’s true. Today’s article is inspired by a gorgeous client who has ran a demanding half marathon this morning. She’s been out there on the trails trackling terrain and elevation that’s challenging. She can do hard …
I’m Done Adulting
It’s a message I sent yesterday ~ I’m done adulting! I’m sure you’ve seen it on social media before, the whole ~ when something happens I find myself looking around for an adult, I then realise that I am an adult so I need to switch the search to find a more adulty adult than …
When’s The Right Time To Train?
Woooo Hoooooo!!!! I ❤️ answering a question I’ve had on the blog!! If there’s anything you would like me to cover or a question you’d like me to address then nip into the comments at the bottom of this post or pop me a DM over on Social Media and I’ll make sure it’s included. …
You Need To Make The Decision
When you read the title of this article you might immediately know that there’s something you need to make a decision about, there may be something that you’ve been ignoring that nagging feeling around, there may be something that’s totally obvious or there may be something that you’ve tried to avoid coming into your conscious …
What Will People Think?
When I first started running I started running in the dark. People wouldn’t be able to see me, I could hide in the dark nights, my red face would be hidden, I could be anonymous. I was feeling like a large lady & I didn’t want people to see me struggling away through my run. …
Just For Today…
The previous me was overweight, she was unfit and she just didn’t feel good. Lethagy consumed her. Her tired was tired. Everything was such an effort. She was dragging her arse through the day. It’s actually bonkers that I endured it for so long when I look back now. It’s quite incredible just how far …
Week 3 Of The Hybrid Block
Accountability ROCKS 🙌🤘 Last week I called myself out in the training log for having neglected my strength & conditioning workouts since my last race and this week they were reinstated. 3 sessions complete ✔️ 1 core session & 2 full body sessions. AND today I have the pleasure of DOMS (delays onset muscle soreness …
What I’d Tell My 2017 Self ~ A Guest Post By Holly Christie
What I’d tell my 2017 self, a guest post by the wonderful Holly Christie. Five years ago, in 2017 life was very different. I was recently separated, traumatised from a marriage which had contained a lot of domestic abuse. My job had come to an end and I was 36 with a 3 year old …
There’s Places That Would Give An Airport Arrivals Lounge A Run For It’s Money
I’m sure we’ve all seen the scene. Love Actually. It goes a little bit like this; Whenever I get gloomy with the state of the world, I think about the arrivals gate at Heathrow Airport. General opinion’s starting to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I don’t see …
The Letter I’d Write To The Me Of 5 Years Ago
I was just thinking about what I’d tell the version of me from 5 years ago, what does future me thinks past me needs to hear 🤔 So I decided to write it here 🙌🏼 Right girl, listen up! There’s definitely some things you need to know. Some of these things you already know but …