My Training Race Reports Ultra Running

The Goggins 4x4x48 Challenge – My Experience

Let’s start by setting the scene – what is the Goggins 4x4x48 challenge? It’s a challenge inspired by ex-Navy Seal David Goggins as a running endurance challenge. You undertake a 4 mile run, every 4 hours for 48 hours. Sounds easy on paper?!

Well, it does kinda sound like “how bad can it be” although I had seen people on Social Media taking on the challenge and finding it somewhat difficult and read numerous articles on the subject before doing it. I was respectful of the event but not petrified by it. I always think you need to believe you’ll succeed – I knew I wouldn’t give up, it was simply a matter of how hard was it going to be?!

A date was set for me & a work colleague to take on the challenge. We were going to do it simultaneously but not together although we would run the last run together and invite others along to join us. My husband also decided at the last minute that he had nothing in his work diary, had always fancied it and slotted in 2 days holidays to join in. Also meaning from a safety perspective that I didn’t have to run in the depths of night solo.

Starting at midnight – we decided that we would start the challenge at midnight and therefore get the first overnight section done before we had any miles in the legs and accrued fatigue. I think that this was a great idea! This allowed that first night to be on fresh legs and meant that the second night was done just beyond half way. If I were to ever do it again I would opt for the same timing strategy.

I was anal about the time being exactly on the hour when we set off and our timings were midnight, 4am, 8am, 12noon, 4pm, 8pm, midnight, 4am, 8am, 12noon, 4pm with our final run at 8pm (and then straight into the pub).

Nutrition – it’s an odd one to fathom. I didn’t really feel all that hungry during the challenge and as with any ultra/endurance event I did have to wait for the hunger to kick in after the event. I ensured that I was eating within each block. The midnight run was fuelled by a bar, the first 4am run I had a gel before the run, both 8am runs were after breakfast, there was a snack before each 12 noon run and lunch straight after, there was an evening meal after the 4pm runs to refuel and be fuelled for the 8pm run. I drank A LOT. Including multiple electrolytes and also had cans of fruity pop to stop taste fatigue and continue to get liquids on board.

Sleep – both nights I managed about 4 & 1/2 hrs sleep following the midnight and 4am runs. Napping was an option. I didn’t do much napping as I’m not really a napper but my husband did have extra little dozes on the sofa.

Between runs – towards the end it was important that I kept moving where possible to ensure that my legs weren’t getting too tight. I was a fine balance between finding the rest & maintaining the mobility.

Showers – I had pre-planned (and executed) showers after my 8am and 8pm runs. I changed out of running gear post run as soon as I got in and went for fresh tops every run and fresh shorts every other run.

Shoes – I had 6 pairs of shoes put out for the challenge. I was working on the basis that not only did that give the foam in the shoes an opportunity to decompress but that it also allowed my feet and legs a slight variation in ride when shoes where changed. I gravitated to 3 pairs of shoes in particular. The Saucony Guides where my favourite night time shoe and the Brooks Hyperion Max & the New Balance Rebel v3 where by favs during the daytime runs. I ran in every pair but those 3 where the only ones that got re-runs.

The final run was wonderful. Some gorgeous souls turned out to join us and I really enjoyed completing that final run. It not only signalled the end, it confirmed that it was do-able and that I still have the tenacity to do hard things.

My Synopsis of the Goggins 4x4x48 Challenge is that it’s definitely do-able. It’s not all that physically stretching if you are reasonably fit. I felt sorer after running a marathon than completing the 48 miles of the challenge. It’s relentless. You are constantly onto the next one as soon as the last one is finished. This could mess with your mindset if you allow it. My top tips would be – DO NOT THINK ABOUT THE NEXT ONE UNTIL YOU’VE FINISHED THE ONE YOU’RE ON. Why? Because then all you have to think about is 4 miles. Never did I think about 48 miles. I always just had to do another 4 miles and prep for a 4 mile run. I would also strongly suggest you get a night out the way early doors.

I don’t wanna be one of those dicks on the internet who makes it all seem so blasé but I also didn’t find it that hard. I did think that I could do with Laz Lakes button that he uses at the end of the Barkley Marathons that when pressed says “well that was easy.” (please note I am NOT similiarising this to the Barkleys – it’s not even remotely similar!!!!)

I would recommend people give it a go. You can do hard things.

Will I do it again? Nah, I’ve done that now – on to something different, but what?!?

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