It’s is one I talk about quite often to people. You will get what you expect. Obviously there are some caveats to this which I will come to later BUT effectively you will find what you’re looking for.
You might thinks that that’s all a little woo woo, perhaps Law Of Attraction springs to mind. I don’t mind at all how you label it BUT as humans we have confirmation bias. We are looking for evidence of what we believe to be true as the truth. We are sub consciously looking for the collaboration and the back up of our beliefs right now.
Expect to have a shit day? Chances are you will!
Expect not to keep up that habit change? Chances are you won’t keep it up.
Expect to fail? Chances are you won’t get the outcome you desire.
Here’s the thing, there’s a setting of intention ~ this is what I want/expect. Then there’s this is what I believe ~ which is the evidence that your confirmation bias is going to go on the hunt for. Then there’s the action you take to get to where you expect to go, based on your belief and the confirmation bias you’re looking for.
Half ass in, half ass out!
Where do you need to start?
Watch your language 🙄
Now I’m not talking about the F bomb 💣 because as you all know I’m quite partial to an f bomb or two!
I’m talking about critical diagnosis and the words we use to describe it.
“I’m having a shite day” – no, perhaps there was a shite bit in the day or something shite happened but you don’t need to diagnose a full on shite day.
“I’ve failed” – well perhaps you haven’t got the outcome you wanted (YET) but it’s a stepping stone and lessons towards the outcome you desire.
“Stressed” and “overwhelmed” are words I NEVER use as is “try.” For stressed and overwhelmed these are knotty words, they have a heavy vibration. Say them and feel your body tighten. It doesn’t mean I never experience the symptoms of these things, it means I don’t want to compound them. AND as for “try” if you’ve ever worked with me or heard me speak you’ll know my feelings on that word!!!
Words are spells, that’s why it’s called spelling! Be VERY careful of critical, cynical or heavy languaging as this can compound your experience rather than set you free!
Just think about how you’re positioning the proposition to yourself and your belief around it, it’s the perfect place to start to change what you’re looking for!
And now for my little caveat…..
👉 The Shit Stick Doesn’t Always Hit Those Who “Deserve” It 👈
I want you to know that you didn’t necessarily attract it – it’s not always the law of attraction, the law of reflection or karma at work.
Life often deals a shit stick – just because, no spiritual reason, no fact you drew in the experience.
I’m sure that they’ll be lessons to learn and a strength to recognise it BUT whilst you knee deep in it it simply feels like SHIT.
If you need to hear it today then I hear you, life does it sometimes, it throws something at you and it leaves you feeling depleted in oh so many ways.
As Maya Angelou says “AND still I rise” and I know that it might not feel like any reassurance in the moment but you’re a warrior.