I think I kinda found out about the #trust10 by accident and after a little google search (other search engines are available but I’m not sure anyone uses anything other than Google or Safari right now 😂) I found that there was one reasonably local to me.
The Ormesby Hall #trust10. Ormsby Hall is a National Trust property nestled just outside of Middlesbrough. A gorgeous location for a little trail run (I was gonna say in the sun but you’ll see from the image attached to this one the last one was a little squelchy).
So, the concept of #trust10 is that it’s a monthly, free, 10k trail race that’s put on by various National Trust properties throughout the country. You can find more information here >>click here<< including whether there’s one near you.
I’ve now ran 4 of their events which have progressively got a little muddier and a little muddier.
25th August – finish time 59.30
22 September – finish time 59.20
27th October – finish time 59.03
24th November – finish time 59.56
AND whilst those times suggest that I may have even got worse across those months the conditions have been varied and, with trail running, it ain’t about the minute miles but navigating the terrain that’s popped in front of you.
The course would be described as “undulating” (read “hilly AF” there) and added to that the varying degrees of mud it’s absolutely a joy to behold. Does that sound mental?? Well, it’s a stunning course, that feels ridiculously rural despite being on the outskirts of a major town and the challenge and freedom of the trails is definitely something that fills me up.
The other thing that’s incredible about #trust10 is the people. Now, the parkrun bunch are a friendly lot but I feel that #trust10 brings it to another level again. No pomp, no strutting, no self importance ~ lovely support & stacks of smiles.
As with all these races it’s always worth a huge big high five to the volunteers that make it happen ~ thank you for your time.
If you’ve a #trust10 near you then go check it out. Run it, Jeff it, Walk it (whatever you like really) but go and enjoy a Sunday morning at a stunning National Trust property.