When you read the title of this article you might immediately know that there’s something you need to make a decision about, there may be something that you’ve been ignoring that nagging feeling around, there may be something that’s totally obvious or there may be something that you’ve tried to avoid coming into your conscious thought.
There’s been times where I’ve been in all three positions (equally I’ve had the same thing in a number of stages ~ i.e. something I’ve tried to ignore, something that something has then started nagging at me then proceed to being something that I see as totally obvious that I need to make a decision about). In a seperate article I will chat about the science and principles around the stages of change so I won’t go into that one too much here!
Anyway, it’s time to make a decision. Indecision is uncomfortable. The one liner I often use when I am working with people is….
The choice to not make a decision is an active decision to stay stuck.
AND stuck is uncomfortable. Hedging your bets means that you can’t move beyond where you are. Spreading your focus means that you’ll never get the results you want. Chasing 2 birds means that you never catch either is the old Chinese Proverb on it!
BUT, how do you even start to make the decision?
So, we could simply say the above ^^^ Decide what you want and say no to everything that isn’t that, although that might feel slightly simplistic.
Is this something you want in your future or not is a good place to start. I do an exercise with people that helps them to identify the things that they want to start doing, keep doing & stop doing. We look at making decisions that take us closer to where we want to go and how we want to feel.
If you want to go solo with working it out then you can have a work through the flow above – trust your gut, think about were you want to go & how you want to feel, does the yes light you up? Does saying no light you up? Which decision feels the best?
Remember that if you make the decision and say YES to one course then that’s most often prelimanary. Often times you’re not saying NO to the other thing, you’re just saying not right now. Setting off on one path and making the decision at the cross roads doesn’t mean that you can’t connect with another path further down the line.
Make the decision, commit to what you want, go get it!!
Just, please, don’t stay stuck!