
I’m Done Adulting

It’s a message I sent yesterday ~ I’m done adulting! 

I’m sure you’ve seen it on social media before, the whole ~ when something happens I find myself looking around for an adult, I then realise that I am an adult so I need to switch the search to find a more adulty adult than I am.   

I’m bloody good at problem solving.  I am a do-er, a let’s take action and get it sorted kinda girl.  I am superb in an emergency or a crisis BUT sometimes adulting can feel relentless.  There’s always something.  Something that demands your time, that needs sorting, that needs to be dealt with. 

The thing is that the majority of these adulting things are curve balls.  We can more than handle the everyday of adulting (although picking what’s for evening meal can sometimes feel a little too much 😂), it’s usually when the other things wing their way in that we feel more gggrrrrr about it, more like adulting isn’t for us. 

Review ~ 0 stars, would not recommend 

You will NEVER achieve anything that’s truly marvellous or even navigate life without coming up against some stuff.  It’s never a clear path to anywhere worth going.

🙄  There’ll be times where there are curve balls,

🙄  there’ll be times where stuff happens that you hadn’t expected,

🙄  there might be times where whatever you’re doing or trying to deal with won’t make the impact you’d like or get the outcome you’d envisaged,

🙄  there’ll be times where you may feel that you’ve nothing left

🙄  there’ll be times where you wonder if you’re wasting your time. 

Here’s the thing.  We can only control the stuff that’s within our control AND the way that we react to external input.  Yesterday I spent 39mins 43 secs getting through to one of those fabulous utility companies and then the line went dead 😳😡  Initial reaction was GGGGGRRRRR, I’m LIVID now! Where does being livid get me? What’s being livid going to achieve?  My choice is solution, it’s not to sit in an energy that doesn’t make any progress and doesn’t impact on anyone or anything other than me!   

I bore people with the one liner I ask ~ what will it take for me to…….. << then add in the solution that you’re looking for.  This is relevant to the situation you find yourself in, the curveball that might have been incoming OR if adulting feels like it’s becoming a constant heaviness then in relation to general changes you might want to make. 

I strongly advocate that we; 

✔️   Control our controllables 

✔️   Decide what’s important to us 

✔️   Accept that sometimes other things will have to make space to deal with something else that’s come up 

✔️   Look for solutions rather than sit in problems 

✔️   Work out how things can be made more easeful

✔️   React the way that serves YOU best 

I sorted the bloody utilities company (how dare they keep sending me a bill for someone else house 😱🙄😳😤) and my adulting here is done! 

PLUS ALWAYS MAKE SURE YOU HAVE TIME IN YOUR WEEK THAT’S ABOUT FUN! Make sure there’s some time in your days/week where adulting isn’t front & centre, play out!  

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