I certainly don’t take myself too seriously at all!
There’s always time for shits & giggles and I believe that a sunny disposition is absolutely essential to make this ride called life as fun, full of adventure and ridiculously exciting. I’m passionate about the position.
I’m a huge advocate of your mindset, attitude and outlook changing EVERYTHING and the fact that we have a choice how we are going to experience things is utterly empowering.
Let’s Start With A Bit Of Backstory….
I am a mum of 2, a wife of one and endurance athlete (yeah, I’m bold enough to use the word athlete ~ we are all athletes you know, it’s not about how fast you go 😉).
The year is 2018 and I am sat, sedentary, again. Uncomfortable in my body and having abused it with years of self neglect.
In my younger years I was a runner. I dabbled in distances up to the half marathon. I sit there, one critical illness & 2 children later with a body I no longer recognises as my own.
I am struggling to climb the stairs to her bedroom, I’m avoiding taking my dog for a walk and finding playing with my kids super difficult.
I looks in the mirror and sees my Grandmother looking back at me 😱
Enough was enough.
I embarked on a life changing journey to rediscover myself. An adventure which would see me ditch 6 & ½ stone, become a marathoner and an ultra runner all in the space of 12 months.
It started with dragging my unfit, unhealthy butt around a 1.5 mile circuit in the dark (so no one could see) completely puffed out & as red as the stop indicator on the traffic lights.
I now runs well far, proving over & over again to myself that there’s so much more possibility & potential and that we can either focus on pushing our limits or not.
It’s all a choice.
In my professional career I am a coach & mentor and supports people to radically transform their mindset and achieve success on their terms, as well as a resident trainer enthusiast at Up & Running, Darlington.
Fuse all these elements together like a chef after the most profound fusion taste experience the world has ever seen & I am here to support you to get beyond the nay-saying voices in your head, unleash your potential, improve your performance, fuel your body optimally and enjoy every bloody minute of it.
It’s time to crack on, do it with a smile & stop getting in your own way.