Opinions 🤔
A biggie is that people worry about being judged. They worry what others will think and what others will say about them.
Here’s the thing ~ opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one 😂😉
AND, guess what? That’s ok!
Yeah we don’t wanna feel like we are being watched and judged, we sometimes worry about messing up and getting it wrong. The online world makes it even more rife in my opinion. People put things out there and people have an opinion on it.
I, for one, don’t want to live in an echo chamber where there’s no potential or possibility to explore new ideas, innovations or philosophies. I also don’t wanna be part of a “yes brigade” where there’s not room for differing opinions and input. I know that lots of people shy away from it. I know that there’s some people who would rather delete a comment than start a debate or reply to a comment with just a shut down kinda response.
I absolutely know that none of us are for everyone.
I know that more ideas and input the more we can explore progression.
AND I know that whether it be training philosophies, nutritional protocol or lifestyle factors there”ll always be a differing of approaches. YES, there’s certain things that are backed by science that are proven (in the samples who were part of the research) to be more optimal and things that have been shown to be detrimental. That doesn’t mean people won’t want to do things that way. Take fasted training for example. Training before your breakfast on a morning. It’s not an approach I would take. The science points to it being unfavourable if that training is anything other than really short & really easy and in particular woman can see the biggest impact of that in their hormonal regulation. It’s not for me and I follow the science on that one. BUT mostly because it’s not for me. Some people swear by a blast out before breakfast. My husband can train long without eating first. The argument would be just because you can doesn’t mean you should. BUT we are grown adults, we can use discernment and we can decide what’s right for us.
If you don’t resonate with someone, simply don’t follow them. Life’s too short to spend your time bitching and backstabbing about people because you’re not in agreement with their choices. Those choices belong to them. They can take ownership of them. There may be something interesting to learn there, there may not.
I think my point here is;
➡️ Be curious, if you are following along with someone & you’d like to know more about what they are doing & why then ask. I started to type most people won’t get defensive and then stopped because I’m not sure that’s true. They may get defensive but they may be able to explain why they do it. It doesn’t mean you have to! If someone runs for 3 hours without fuel that doesn’t mean you have to, if someone is keto it doesn’t mean you have to, if someone sticks their head out of the sunroof of a bus, it doesn’t mean you have to.
➡️ Be open, I’m not naive. I don’t know it all. I love differing opinions & outlooks. Sometimes I’ll say nah, that’s not for me. Other times I’ll give it a go and see if it fits.
➡️ Use discernment, if it doesn’t feel right for you don’t take it on board.
➡️ Yeah, you can make decision and have opinions without being a complete knob. Even if only viewed on the little squares on Instagram there’s people behind those squares, there’s absolutely no need to be mean, to behave like the popular girls in secondary school or be a complete KNOB!!! Don’t like someone? Unfollow. Let them crack on.
➡️ Have conviction in your approach, there’s no wrong & no right. There’s no universal one size fits all (in my experience one size fits all seldomly fits anyone well). BUT the caveat to that is don’t be blinkered, go back to being open to possibility.
Synopsis – opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one. Don’t worry about what other’s think, as long as you’re doing what feels right for you right now. Be open to learning more. Don’t be a Judgemental Knob!