When you read the title of this article you might immediately know that there’s something you need to make a decision about, there may be something that you’ve been ignoring that nagging feeling around, there may be something that’s totally obvious or there may be something that you’ve tried to avoid coming into your conscious …
But Being Healthy Is So Boring
It can happen in the blink of an eye. You decide that you’re going to pay attention to your health, fitness & wellness and in the beginning it brings a couple of challenges, you persevere but what once brought you a wee bit of a challenge becomes just a little bit boring. It might that …
What About Opinions?
Opinions 🤔 A biggie is that people worry about being judged. They worry what others will think and what others will say about them. Here’s the thing ~ opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one 😂😉 AND, guess what? That’s ok! Yeah we don’t wanna feel like we are being watched and judged, we sometimes …